Horoscopes: Feb/Mar 2022


Emma Ritchie '25


With the spring season on its way and flowers soon to be coming into bloom and deepening in their roots, it is about time for us to remember our own roots. Whether you are an air, water, earth or fire sign, it is always a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of your future according to your zodiac. So, here are some predictions for what the spring season will look like for you according to your type of sign. 


Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): This spring season may bring joy into your life. You may find yourself spending more time on your hobbies that were once occasional. You may grow closer with people who you have not been close with in the past. Your health should remain stable throughout the spring, as well as your relationships with loved ones. This season may bring new possibilities and allow you to experience things from a new perspective.  


Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): You have to remain patient, but new opportunities may arise this spring season. You may find yourself making amends with those you have not gotten along with in the past. You also may find yourself feeling more confident due to having a positive mentality. Similar to fire signs, you may take your hobbies and turn them into something bigger and more meaningful. You may be focusing more on your physical and mental health. This is the season of balance for earth signs.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Focus on your goals. You may find yourself benefitting from your hard work more than usual this spring season. It is a good idea to remain optimistic, and this could be about your grades, sports, health, etcetera. You may find yourself focusing more on your personal growth, as well. Your energy levels may be higher, and you may find yourself strengthening your relationships with others. 


Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): This spring season, you may find yourself learning many new things and expanding your horizon. Your physical and mental welfare may improve. You may have a positive change in personality that is perceptible to others. You may move ahead in certain fields, even ones you are currently struggling with. Remain motivated, because big things are coming for you this season!

“Astrology.” Hindustan Times, Hindustan Times, https://www.hindustantimes.com/astrology Accessed 16 Mar. 2022.