Academy parent Jennifer Brody ‘25, brought “Walking with Purpose,” a Bible study written by a woman for women, to the Saint E’s community. Since the beginning of “Walking with Purpose” at the Academy, more and more moms have begun to participate in the meetings. Some moms have continued to come even after their daughters graduated from the Academy. This is a testament to just how much the moms enjoy this experience. Jen Brody shared, “What attracted me to this study is the words of the Bible come alive and meaningful when I participate in any of her studies. I was invited to try a meeting because of the promise of good food, free child care, and meeting great women.” The meetings center around the Scripture and the women partaking in the discussions. This Bible study allows Academy moms to meet and form friendships as much as talk about their faith.
It should be no surprise that “Walking with Purpose” has become so popular, as its founder is also a part of its audience. Lisa Brenninkmeyer was engaged to be married and went through the RCIA to get married in her husband’s Catholic church. She loved Catholicism, but coming from a Protestant religion, she was shocked that none of her new Catholic friends knew Scripture. She was determined to teach Catholic women how to find comfort in the Bible as she did, so she wrote her first Bible study book, Opening Your Heart. Since then, she has written many others and amassed quite a following of women interested in similar faith traditions.
Having experienced participation and leadership within the program, Jen commented, “I could also feel myself growing closer to God and deeper in my faith. It reminded me of simple truths that I had learned in religion class and it helped give me a language to speak to my four children, all attending Catholic school, about our faith and what is asked of us by God.” Her experience in this program was no accident. Just as she chose to send her children to Catholic schools to learn about and develop their faith, she chose this program to cultivate her own thoughts about Catholicism.
“In many ways, it changed my life,” Jen went on to say. While that may sound pretty dramatic, she explains that the Bible study has inspired many changes in her life. “It is more than simply being kind and a good person,” she observed. “Walking with Purpose” inspired her to change some of her daily habits. Some were as simple as attending church even when she was on vacation. The Bible study reinforced that God wants to love and spend time with us. She has observed that, over time, these small changes make more dramatic differences in bringing peace and happiness into our homes and lives. She hopes that others will see that positivity and want to emulate it, encouraging them to explore their faith as well. Jen concluded, “I brought it to Saint E’s because we were looking to build community and invite people back onto campus. With authentic conversation and a safe space for sharing, I have met some really terrific moms here at the Academy. We share struggles and successes in our lives, our faith, and are all sending our daughters to St E’s for not only the wonderful education, but so they can learn and live their faith in each of their days.”
Sofia • Jan 31, 2024 at 10:25 am
I love this!! The deep meaning behind it is so amazing, and hearing about everyone getting involved with their faith is very comforting. I hope that one day I can participate in something similar to this!