It may be early November, but I am definitely not alone in fully embracing the holiday season. This year, especially, I feel like I have been waiting for the holiday season to come around since July. But, honestly, how could you blame me or anyone else who feels this way? The holiday season has something about it that makes it so joyful, special, and warm— despite the freezing temperatures and frozen car doors in the morning. This season is one to be enjoyed by all, so we should do everything we can to make that a reality. However, something that often gets in the way of making this time so special are the tests and assignments piled on before break. The interim exams definitely do not contribute to any holiday cheer. This is understandable from an education viewpoint, but it often results in the most wonderful time of the year turning into the most anxious time of the year. However, I am going to give you every single tip I use to make the holiday spirit present every day— even on those dreaded exam days.
The first thing I cannot stress enough is that, if you can, you should decorate as soon as you feel that holiday spirit! Of course, July may be slightly early, but I see nothing wrong in decorating your room a little bit for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday you celebrate. The decor can be very minimal, but just adding anything to your space (either your room or especially where you study) that reminds you of that comforting holiday feeling is sure to put you in better spirits. For example, I switch out my fall candles to pine needle ones the second November first comes around. Add whatever you can to your space to give you an extra boost of joy!
A second small but incredibly fun thing to do during this season is to slowly add holiday meals or drinks into your daily life. This can be very small (especially since holiday dishes are almost notorious for their tendency to send any consumer into a food coma), such as hot chocolate instead of tea or peppermint instead of gum. Overall, I always find it so fun to begin introducing those foods and drinks you only consume during this time of year into a daily routine. In turn, I feel much more relaxed due to the emotions and memories these seasonal flavors evoke.
Arguably, the most important thing to do to help you relax this holiday season is to remember what this time is all about. Of course, each holiday has its own meaning and origin, but I simply mean what your holiday season means to you. This time, for me at least, is one of the most sentimental, warm times of the year. From essentially November first to December twenty-fifth, every day is a day I think of the fun memories I have made with various friends and family over the years. While that might seem cliche, I truly recommend getting lost in the nostalgia if you struggle with a lot of stress during this time. In a way, this appreciation for past memories is an act of self-care and mindfulness, as you are reminding yourself of those times to both ground yourself and look back on a sentimental time. The holiday season, while it can be very stressful, should still be a fun, festive, and memorable time for you. Have a happy holiday season (as it began a week ago in my book)!
How to Relax During the Holidays
November 8, 2023
“Green Christmas Tree With String Lights” photographed by Kristina Paukshtite
Photo sourced from Pexels