A Current Catastrophe

Isabella Cerciello '24

While this current event is not geographically close to the Academy, hurricane Ian and the devastation it brought is close to the hearts of many. Hurricane Ian swept through southwest Florida from September 27 until September 30. There was between nine and fifteen feet of water– depending on how inland the measurements were taken– along with 120 miles per hour winds. Everyone affected by the hurricane had to barricade their houses and so many were forced to evacuate. Flights in and out of southwest airports were closed for days. Off the coast of Florida, the bridge connecting the mainland to Sanibel Island and Captiva was broken in five places, leaving hundreds of people stranded on the islands. 

The immediate damage was not the end of the storm’s devastation. First-floor homes and apartments were entirely wiped out, sometimes with only supporting beams still standing. Many people lost their homes, cars, and in too many cases, all of their possessions. Off the mainland, Sanibel and Captiva had to find a quick way to rebuild the bridge so that teams could travel onto the island and assess the damage. As of now, Florida is aiming to complete a speedy recovery, attempting to bring back the electricity and replenish water. Even with all hands on deck, it is estimated that parts of the affected areas will not be able to be inhabited until 2023, with full recovery dates still up in the air.

Although there is so much destruction, the people of Florida have united to bring back order and ensure the complete rebuilding. Step by step, they will not stop until southwest Florida looks as it had before the horrible destruction of hurricane Ian.