AOSE’s Birthday
Cupcakes on February 3rd, 2022, in celebration of AOSE’s birthday.
June 6, 2022
The Academy celebrated its 162nd birthday on February 3rd, 2022, continuing its legacy as New Jersey’s oldest all-girls Catholic high school.
Spirits were high in Dr. Borin’s homeroom at lunchtime as the “Borin’s Baddies” won the second annual school-wide Faculty Trivia Kahoot. Students learned a few fun facts about their teachers: for instance, Ms. Vukas is a fraternal twin and Mr. Watt skipped his prom to attend a radio convention! Volunteers from the ever-diligent Parent’s Association delivered pizza and cupcakes to each homeroom on golden platters as upperclassmen presented gifts to their little SEAsters.
Sophomore Isabella Misrahi commented: “[The birthday party] was a great way to bring the entire Academy together. I mean, who doesn’t love a little friendly competition and sweets to help teach about the school?”
The festivities coincided with Catholic Schools Week, a “celebration of Catholic education in the United States” according to the National Catholic Educational Association, that began in 1974.
Works Cited
“What Is National Catholic Schools Week?”, National Catholic Educational Association, 2021, Accessed 22 Feb. 2022.